Where brands get prime care Mccoy
POPAI Aktivační agentury AKA


We give our clients exactly that feeling that they are looking for in an agency, something which is still a rarity. The feeling that their brands are important to us, that we understand them and that they are at the centre of our attention. We are part of their pathway to success. With all the competences, deployment and focus on the results. This feeling and experience are indivisible. It is necessary to experience them and try to find out what is best for your brands and where they will get the best care. Contact



Appraising and measuring strengths across the market via marketing and advertising competitions is the core of our work, and a high placing brand brings our team great satisfaction. Not all our work brings such attention; nevertheless, we love it.


Our Team

Everything we do hinges on the quality, deployment and personality of individual members of our team. Each of us is in our own way special and irreplaceable, each of us has our own personal approach. Together we form an interesting cocktail of ideas that has delighted our clients for many years and been beneficial to their brands. Our recipe is a secret and we mix the ingredients according to our clients’ tastes, wishes and needs. Why don’t you have a bite.

Tapír čabrakový Indah


Czech Republic

McCoy & Partner, spol. s r.o.
Americká 579/17,
120 00 Praha 2 Vinohrady

Tel: + 420 267 915 816
Fax: + 420 267 915 814

Slovak Republic

McCoy & Partner spol. s r. o.
Kremnička 3
974 05 Banská Bystrica

Tel: +421 917 604 272

IČO: 36054089
DIČ: 2020089995

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